She's The Man Essay Questions

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Once again DreamWorks studio proves that they can leave all animations behind and produce an extraordinary, live action film. She’s the Man, directed by Andy Fickman, is about a teenage girl (Viola) who, after her school soccer team gets cut, decides to impersonate her twin brother, so she can attend a rival school and prove to everyone back home that she is good enough to make it on the boys’ soccer team. This motion picture is able to instil inspiration, humour, and life lessons into the audience, making it not just another ordinary and meaningless “chick flick”. The main character in She’s the Man, Viola, provides the female audience with a strong leading actress, making her actions speak out to others who are looking to bring about change. Viola’s determination proves both the coach from her hometown and hair stylist wrong, as she successfully deceives her school into thinking she’s a boy and makes the…show more content…
This movie exhibits many different ways that people can easily misinterpret a person because of their appearances. All of Viola’s classmates and roommates believe she is a guy because of her simple wig and body suit that she uses to disguise herself. Many people today may judge a person simply on what they see, creating this exclusive society where bullying and discrimination become habit. The only reason “Sebastien” starts to fit in, is because her friends help her by making her seem like a ladies man. The audience as well as the characters in the movie also assume that Duke (Viola’s roommate) is very good at talking to woman and is an all manly man, because he appears to be tough. Deep down, Duke is actually a really sensitive guy who is shy when it comes to girls. This film is able to create an awareness that in our own lives we must remember, appearances are often

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