Good Earth Thesis

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Renowned author Pearl S. Buck was born in 1892 in Hillsboro, West Virginia. Her childhood as well as nuptial life was spent in China in which she obtained crucial material that would later inspire her novels upon life in China; the impoverished society she resided in allowed her to truly glimpse the struggles of the common man as well as the aristocratic society. With the publication of her second novel, The Good Earth, Buck gained recognition through the Pulitzer Prize and the Howells Medal. Buck then received the Nobel Prize in literature, the first American woman to receive such. Upon Buck's return to the United States, she expressed her passion in American civil rights and women's rights, establishing numerous associations and foundations to aid those less fortunate. Her death in 1972 was the end of her career, however, not the end of her prestigious work as its influence resonates still today.…show more content…
Buck's The Good Earth is instituted with the introduction of the main protagonist, a poor farmer by the name of Wang Lung, on his marriage day. His marital life following the marriage composes the rising action, the birth of two sons and a daughter gracing the family prior to their move to the South in hope of seeking refuge from famine. As the city proceeds to be in the midst of a war, many of the wealthy flee, leaving behind houses of opulence. The climax transpires as Wang Lung receives a considerable amount of gold from such a house, allowing him to return to his land. The falling action may be identified as Wang Lung's inordinate life in the house that once belonged to the Hwang family following his return as he prospers through the purchase of fertile land that had once belonged to the prestigious house. Wang Lung's return to the stone house in which his ancestors lived marks the novel's

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