Theodore Roosevelt's Health Care Reform

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Research Question To what extent was the failure of the U.S in achieving health care reform from 1912-1929 due to the fear of communism? According to the Centre for disease control and prevention, from 1912-1929, an average of about a million people died per year due to the lack of proper healthcare for the ill. This research essay focuses on the factors leading to the inability of the U.S in achieving health care reform. In 1912, when Theodore Roosevelt lost his reelection, He pushed for universal health care coverage. Although he lost the general elections, many of his supporters continued pushing for health care insurance at the state level. There were also many organizations who tried to propose health care reform but it was turned down by the government. My time period was a time famously known as "The roaring twenties" and ironically could not afford to provide health care. The economy was doing very well at the time but yet the government did not spend on health care. Why was this so? This essay proves that no matter how wealthy a country is, there will always be opposition to certain ideas. In the case of the U.S, even though…show more content…
President Theodore Roosevelt proposed compulsory health care during his 1912 presidential election. Although he lost the election to the Democrats, reformers at the state level continued pushing for universal health care but it was still rejected by the public. Many people were against it as this was considered a German idea and was thought to be very "unpatriotic' and thus the idea was rejected. At that point of time, the Russians had a health care system called the Semasko system which was basically a centralized state-funded health care to all citizens. It was considered a form of socialism and so the public opinion of health care reform was bad and so it was not

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