Harriet Tubman's Journey During The Underground Railroad

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I picked Harriet Tubman for my research topic. I love reading and learning about strong women who did prominent things to help our country. My generation most defiantly takes for granted the freedom we have today. Every time I write about someone/something like this, it throws me back into reality. I hope to learn more about Harriet Tubman, and her journey during the Underground Railroad. Dann J. Broyld teaches history at Central Connecticut State University. This research could not find any more biography information about this author. His Article “Harriet Tubman: Transnationalism and the land of a Queen in Late Antebellum” talks and explains Harriet Tubman’s early life all the way to the day she died. Broyld wrote an article to “move Tubman…show more content…
Hobson says “the Historical Tubman remained beyond our 21st century grasp, buried underneath distorted and outrageous representations.” (Hobson 2-3) Hobson explains Tubman is mostly known for the Underground Railroad, that the underground railroad is the first thing to come to mind when a person hears the name, Harriet Tubman. Hobson says Harriet did much more than just the Underground Railroad. Such as Civil war veteran, nurse, community organizer, woman suffragist, and border crossing migrant from Canada (Hobson 3). Hobson says Harriet was most known as the “mother” of the slaves, she also says how much Harriet aided the slaves in the Underground Railroad. Hobson concluded her Article with this quote, “That legacy mainly requires that we act, that we remember, that we struggle, that we defy constant erasure and distortions, and that we create community.” (Hobson 8). Wilma King is a professor at Arvarh Stricklan, she was first African American hired as a full time faculty member at MU. Strickland taught history there from 1969 to 1995. Wilma King wrote the Academic Journal called “Harriet Tubman: The road to Freedom.” In this Academic Journal Wilma is reviewing Catherine Clinton’s article over Harriet Tubman (Wilma…show more content…
Whitehead says “she craved freedom and was willing to risk her life to find it.’’ Whitehead explains when she married John Tubman she changed her name from Araminta Ross to Harriet Tubman. She wrote that Harriet could not read or write so her life was recorded by white writers or stories that had been pieced together from other individuals (Whitehead 199). Whitehead says Harriet Tubman lead the Combahee River Expedition, which in that one raid by itself, more than 700 men, women, and children that were slaves went to bed as slaves but arose in the new dawn as free people. Whitehead says that Harriet Tubman had courage and determination like no other person, She says Harriet worked efficiently in a male dominated work environment. Whitehead mentions the head injury Tubman sustained that would cause her to periodically pass out at unknown moments (Whitehead 200). Whitehead wraps up her article with explaining the many versions we have of Harriet Tubman, and it is difficult to decipher the truth and the myths. She says we must learn as much as we can from the stories of the freedom fighter. “We must embrace and tell her entire story. Tubman was more than just an androgynous or slightly masculine person who walked and helped people get to freedom.” (Whitehead

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