Haitian Genocide In The Dominican Republic

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Haitian Genocide in the Dominican Republic Aung San Suu Kyi, a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize once said that, “It is not power that corrupts but fear.” Fear is a noteworthy factor that contributes to genocide, without fear the avoidance of massacres may be possible, which is why people need to be educated on genocide and ways of prevention. The Parsley genocide was the brutal killing of around 20,000 Haitians along the border of the Dominican Republic in 1937; it still causes great tensions today and is an important part of the history of Haiti, as well as an important lesson for other countries on how genocide occurs and ways of prevention. Origins of the Haitian Genocide The Haitian genocide, also known as the Parsley Massacre, began…show more content…
It was hard for other countries to help in this case, however, because there was not excessive build up in tension or warning that genocide was going to occur in the Dominican Republic (Braveboy, Marcia). Conversely, if an outside country could have offered any help right when tensions began it could have significantly helped. Also, Trujillo’s brainwashing against the Haitians was a large part of the genocide, so if that could have been prevented in any way, then the killing may not have happened (Davis, Nick). But this option also most likely involves intervention, either by the Dominicans themselves, or another country. In addition, preventing the use of armed conflict against civilians through UN peacekeepers would definitely help to prevent genocide (Braveboy, Marcia). It is important to prevent armed conflict in the first place, to make sure that nothing can happen, since it is such a large part of genocide. In order to prevent genocide it is also important to make it clear that judicial action will be taken against those who assist in the killing, and it would also help to take swift and crucial action using military force right before, or when, the genocide begins (Turits, Richard Lee). Making it clear to the persecutors that their actions are not acceptable is similarly a large part in helping with prevention of…show more content…
For example, after the killings had stopped the still-existing Haitian-Dominicans were relocated, or repatriated, to a city in Haiti that is now known as Repatriate (Fieser, Ezra). The people had to be reintroduced to the Haitian way of life, so Repatriate was sort of a place for them to belong. Also, it is little recognized that the Haitian genocide occurred only seven years into the thirty-year rule of the Dominican dictator Trujillo (“Border of Lights”). Trujillo was able to stay in power for a decent amount of time, even after doing such an appalling act. It is also interesting that no officials in the Dominican Republic were ever indicted or charged for the massacre (“Border of Lights”). Considering how much involvement the government and military had in the genocide this is a surprising outcome. In addition, the Dominican government tried to claim that the Dominican farmers acted on their own in order to protect their property from the Haitian “thieves” (“Border of Lights”). However, the opposite is true. The Dominican government was what began and encouraged the Haitian genocide the whole way through. There are also different names for the Haitian genocide, such as the Parsley Massacre. The Dominicans call it El Corte, which means “the cutting” in Spanish. The Haitians also have a name for it, Kout Kouto-a, which means, “the stabbing” in French Kreyol

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