H. G. Wells And Christina Rossetti's 'Goblin Market'

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Both H. G. Wells and Christina Rossetti use fantastical things to lure their characters to evil states, from which they must be extracted or lost forever. Rossetti uses goblins and fruits to procure temptations for Laura and Lizzie, two sisters. Wells uses the idea of “miracles” and the mystery of words to create havoc for his character, Mr. Fotheringay. Wells’ story is a contemporary fantasy which he wrote in 1898. Fortheringay, main character, enjoys arguing, is not very religious, and has a definitive dislike for miracles. The story opens with him engaging a reluctant audience in the Long Dragon. In the middle of his blustering argument against the possibility of miracles, he, to his chagrin, makes a miracle. The story laughingly and sometimes sorrowfully, has Fotheringay exploring his new talent, which eventually he regrets and revokes in a final storm. Rossetti’s poem, a fantasy/fairytale, was written in 1859. The poem warns of bad things planned for young girls who heed the hawkers’ calls at Goblin Market, an unspecified place, where the fruits are scrumptious, sensuous and seductive and sold by lecherous characters, goblins; both true danger to young girls’ maidenheads. Despite warnings, Laura is lured to the…show more content…
Lizzie warns Laura about Jeanie’s fate after she dines with the goblins. “She pined and pined away; Sought them by night and day…” (Stanza 7) and then she dies (stanza 18) wanting more, but is unable to return to the goblin feast. Like vampires, they took what they wanted or needed from Jeanie and discarded her. Laura experiences the same. She willing joins the goblins and lushly feasts upon their fruits and participates in their rituals. However, when finished, they no longer need her. When she realizes she will never be allowed to participate again, she begins to lose her

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