Gredler Learning Theory Into Practice Chapter 1 Summary

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Reading Log 1 In chapter 1 of Learning and Instruction: Theory into Practice by Margaret E. Gredler, the reader is introduced to an abundance of information regarding theory development in relation to the classroom, rules for teaching according to different theorists and principles, developments that are grabbing the attention of teachers, such as constructivism and research on the brain, and the reader is briefly introduced to seven perspectives, or theories, that are going to be explained and compared in more detail over the course of the book. First there is an introduction to the concept of learning, how learning sets humans apart from other species and how learning is incorporated into our everyday social affairs. Large social factors to learning are seen in forming attitudes and values, acquiring languages, learning our culture and preparation for adulthood. Pretheoretical attempts to explain learning did not advance society’s…show more content…
Since I will be teaching in a high school setting, students are coming in with many life experiences. None of them are clean slates and so I need to remember that they may be doing things for reasons that I cannot observe. I may also do things that trigger involuntary reactions or that bring back memories for them. The environment that I set up can cause emotional reactions and can either help or hurt learning. My goal is help their learning. I used to think that doing icebreakers and writing down things about yourself for your teacher was an unnecessary annoyance but after reading about these two theories underneath the category of behaviorism I think that it is very important to be aware of your students and that it can help to promote successful learning. The type of learning that will prepare them for the future and stir passions inside of them and then to do what they love with their

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