Day Of Empire Summary

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In Amy Chua's book, “Day of Empire”, she talks about how some of the strongest and more exceeded civilizations rose to power and fell within history. These societies were ambitious, ruthless and got what they wanted by all means of force. Every prominent society fits three vital criteria: 1) a stable and thriving economy, 2) power beyond any other nation (major or otherwise) and 3) the population size couldn’t be matched by any other nation or even come remotely close for their time period. These empires populations caused the social hierarchies to be more apparent, especially in pre-Roman Civilizations such as Persia. These nations also were technologically, socially and culturally innovative at their peaks, thriving with massive successes.…show more content…
Chapter 1: Persia (559 BC- 324 BC) This chapter covers the Persian civilization and specifically their tolerance in ruling. The first ruler, Cyrus The Great (about 559 BC-529 BC) was a socially tolerant ruler. He didn't force the Persian ideals and beliefs on them and as a result, the society flourished through this congenial unity. They captured Babylon in 539 BC, that being their first conquest. Something to note, what little written history that was left was biased propaganda and vaguely described any kind of event at all. Cyrus ruled for 20 years and conquered a handful of countries in all directions. He chose to swap out the local rulers for a subservient figurehead that was preferred, keep in mind he didn't kill the dethroned rulers but rather bribed them with lavish, comfortable lives. By not killing them or stripping their religious deities, he maintained a large population which didn't threaten the peoples values. He also respected and gave submission to their respective gods/goddesses in Babylon and building a Jewish temple at his own expense. Now don't assume his tolerance for any kind of benevolence, for his army was one of the most ruthless, brutal and relentless
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