Girl Children Analysis

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This collective experience by Shashi Deshpande and Sivasankari persuades them to study the female psyche of girl children as the product of cultural forces and show the gradual changes in their life style from the early twentieth century. Language comes back in the picture when the social dimensions and the cultural ideals that outline their vision are considered. They show the role of girl children in Indian families, their wishes, expectations, work load, anxiety, desperation, demand for equal priority, awareness about their career and their revolt to free themselves from the clutches that bind them. They depict how the young girls rebel to liberate themselves from the rules that stand as hurdles in their path towards progress. Whenever chances…show more content…
They are assigned the work of preserving the Indian Family Unit and they are committed. Hence all the problems are faced without difficulty and tackled with endurance when maturity creeps in girls as they cross their adolescence to sustain their family and children. Shashi Deshpande and Sivasankari reveal how women of elder generation pretend to lose their self-identity but emerge as influential voices by being the role models for their budding comrades of forthcoming generations. The unquenchable thirst that resides inside the female self for identity and recognition in every generation makes them to permit their daughters to learn music and dance and allows the younger generation for higher education which was denied to them. The girls of modern era learn to adapt to the external and internal pressures that try to imbalance their equilibrium without losing their self-esteem. It is an inherited boon received from materfamilias, the female head of a family or…show more content…
They have the capability to inject energy inside the family unit. The characters of Shashi Deshpande and Sivasankari link themselves with the family unit and the novels Roots and Shadows, The Dark Holds No Terrors and Pālaṅgaḷ stand as evidence. Both the writers expect the readers to view their works as the experience of their comrades and try to establish a link with the society. They present the slow and steady changes that sneak inside the life of girls in India without disquieting the family unit which is an integral part of Indian culture. The girls protest only against the rules imposed on them and not against the Indian family unit which gives the expected solace and the needed

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