Gilgamesh Job And Socrates Analysis

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Gilgamesh, Job, and Socrates: A Response to their Cases Gilgamesh strongly believes in the fact that Gods can be unsafe for the mortals. In his view, Gods – or the divine beings – often act as aggressively and impatiently as youngsters do, despite having their own set of particular laws in place. For these divine beings, having a sense of agreement and devotion at all times is quite necessary. Although Gods tend to be pretty supportive, yet disobeying them and enraging them is no less than stupidity, and just because mortals worship the Gods, it does not mean that they are safe from the suffering and pain. Therefore, the world depicted in the Epic of Gilgamesh seems to be substantially different from the one elaborated in the Judeo-Christian…show more content…
This means that it is inevitable that people reap what they sow, or in other words, people who do good deeds reap great benefits. The words of the Judeo-Christian God are compatible with both ethics and empowerment — and the people should always try and follow in his footsteps. These comparisons are critically related to the fact that certain basic components are added by Gilgamesh into the Judeo-Christian Bible. There are comparative dialects depicted in both the Epic of Gilgamesh and in certain parts of the Bible: the Akkadian identifies Hebrew, the Babylonian dialect that the creator utilized as a part of making the late forms out of Gilgamesh. The origination of Bible occurs from the same district where Gilgamesh originated and utilizes certain stories and themes, such as, the serpent as the foe who denies people of endless life and, most imperative, the surge. In both the Bible and Gilgamesh, noncompliance to…show more content…
He was a 70 year old teacher, and was therefore put on trial for the two crimes he committed; for corrupting the youth and for demonstrating a lack of reverence for the Gods. Both of these crimes were committed – according to the state – by Socrates in his teaching profession. In the book the “Trial of Socrates”, one can find a complete elaboration of who Socrates actually was, what his approach was, and what the arguments he actually stood for were. The reason for the trial was actually because of the individual being Socrates, the father of philosophy himself, and the place being Athens, the birthplace of democracy, thus implying the importance of Athens in the study of the Western Civilization. All that is known about the trial of Socrates, however, is due to two of his students who were present at that time and at the death of Socrates too; Xenophon and Plato. Even though Socrates was among the forerunners in promoting intellectual thought, and the phenomena was also promoted by Athens, but this did not last for long as Athens witnessed the implementation of Oligarchy government. Socrates, despite being an active promoter of freedom of speech, started criticizing and opposing the phenomena of democracy, and was disturbed by the system at that time. For his criticisms and actions, he was charged for the aforementioned two crimes and was brought to trial, while he always held an

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