Religion In The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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In the Epic of Gilgamesh translated by N. K. Sanders, had many interesting examples of the civilization of the Mesopotamians. It gives the reader important insights of how the people back then worshiped Gods, who they followed and how the Gods influence them. Gilgamesh was a heroic king of Mesopotamian City, Uruk. He was very powerful and even though his people despised him for his poor choices, he still was a great leader. In the nomadic culture, the mesopotamians would come together and communicate in a significant way to show their affection towards one another. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the way the God’s behave, approached their appearances and balanced their lives all correlate to the culture and civilization of the Mesopotamian lifestyle. Gilgamesh and Enkidu come across multiple Gods and throughout the book they both realize how powerful and dangerous the Gods can be. Like Gilgamesh, the Gods do whatever they want to do, even if it is terribly wrong. Although they seem appalling, they also act very human like. Like us humans, we hold grudges and get jealous of other individuals, just like Gilgamesh when he first met Enkidu. Also, most people judge before actually getting to know a person and that is how some of the Gods viewed other Gods. It shows that for every action a person chooses to do, there has to be…show more content…
This balances their decision making and how they act in their battles of Gods. They are a perfect match because they balance each others weaknesses and strengths when battling other Gods. For instance, Enkidu says, “Do not listen to the demon. He must be killed, obliterated utterly. Listen to me” (28) telling Gilgamesh to trust him and do what he says or they will lose the fight. Enkidu can convince and help Gilgamesh with his knowledge while Gilgamesh listens and responds to his advice. Their relationship is the foundation of the Epic of

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