Gender Inequality In Sister Anu

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The process of globalization and the advancement, in the field of information and communication technology, have brought a revolutionary change in the life style and the attitude of Indian society. We, now, claim to have world level competition in the field of education, medical, engineering, economy etc. and descend one of the oldest cultures. But socially still we lag behind due to our conservative tendency of the patriarchal society where sexual inequality is at its peak because of the son preference over the daughter. Hariyana, Punjab, Bihar, U. P. etc. are such states where the practice of sex selection is threatening the male- female ratio in India which is 1000:943 according to the census of 2011. The new medical facilities and technical…show more content…
However, like every Indian girl, she is conditioned to believe that marriage is a vocation, and a girl has no existence outside the periphery of the threshold that forces her to get married no matter if she is reluctant. But as the distribution of resources and power in traditional society have never been equitable and women are marginalised in terms of gender, class and caste, so the marriage proves a nightmare for Anu, her domain being strictly defined and confined with a complete acceptance of husband’s decisions. She is mistreated and degraded for being a woman with all her suspended dignity of being an individual. Like most of the women of the traditional family she is brutally beaten and even raped by her husband, Vikas, and marital rape is a fact which still is not accounted to accept in Indian families because, as a South Indian poet and thinker, Periyar vouchsafed, the concept of the husband- wife’s relation is one of master and slave’s in which husband is claimed to have every right to treat his wife as he wants and people overlook it saying it is a personal domestic matter. Ameer Sultana in her article “Battered in the Safe Haven: Women and Domestic Violence” well articulates: Neither social scientists nor historians have labelled violence in the family as a social problem. It remains invisible, because whatever is happening within the four walls of the house is regarded as a ‘private issue’. Any interference in this matter is considered as a breach of ‘privacy of a person’.

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