Gender And Heteronormativity In Fashion

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Gender, heteronormativity and the ambiguous roles of homosexuals in the social spaces and fashion industry. This essay seeks to explore, defining and discuss gender and heteronormativity in the context of homosexual in the fashion industry, it will also examine social spaces by referring to Melissa Steyn and Mikki van Zyl (2009).This research will be observing one of the class mates in contextual studies III to identify gender performance and behaviour. Furthermore the essay will collect evidence by conducting research on gender performance. History and representation of a homosexual relationship in a contemporary South African and fashion industry will also be explored, taking into consideration how race, gender and geographical location.…show more content…
These segments are sexual being, disciplining the body, embodiedness and intersectionality. The authors further define heteronormativity as a social doctrine of standards that basically forces humans to act according to their sexual orientation that we are born with, example of these standards is that a human being is expected to get married to the opposite sex partner. The author questions the laws that have been placed to protect discrimination against the non-heteronormative individuals, however the question is whether or not there will ever be equality for the same sex couples (Steyn and van Zyl…show more content…
According to Francis Mark Mondimore (1998:3-7), states that the word ‘’Homosexuality” do not exist in the 1869 whereby the word appeared as a form of an open letter toward the German minster. Sexual contact between the same sex was not characterizes in a particular group or category. For that reason, it means there is no category for homosexuality rather it was seen as sexual experiences of every member of the society (Mondimore 1998:4). Homosexuality is an outgrowth up in the geek- roman culture whereby most of the political, religious leaders were all gay. That is one of the reason why priests were not allowed to have sex with a women because women were considered to be the symbolic representation of Satan. Late in 1900 Religion norms were against homosexuality never allowed to play any important role in history because the several Catholic Church and protestant groups to organize mass boycott abnormal sexuality ‘’’Homosexuality’’. During that period some LTGB people had to engage in heterosexual norms in order to mask his or her homosexuality in order to be accepted by social as a straight people. Often the homosexual characters are told so often by others that they are wrong and filthy to the point whereby they start to believe it, commit suicide and experience self-hate. In 1973 homosexuality was listed as

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