Galileo Galilei: The Father Of Astronomy In Science

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1. Galileo Galilei was born February 15, 1564, and died on the 8th of January 1642. He was an Italian astronomer for science. He has been called the "father of observational astronomy" and other names. He worked on dicovering new planets and he also made a few new instuments for the scientific field. His widly diffrent belfis in certain things caused him to be put under house. Galileo was born in Italy in a area named Pisa. His name coming from an older relative. He was the oldest with five other siblings. Three of which survived infacy. He followed his with some of the same belifs on authority and he aprecciated experiments. When Galileo’s family moved away he was only eight, and he was left with Jacopo Borghini for about two years. Then…show more content…
One of his first experiments came when he saw a chandelior swinging. He later went home and he put up two devices and swung them. They both had equal length just one was in large swing the other in small.The two devices kept time with each other. Untill now Galileo had been kept away from math since a man in medicine made more money than a man in math, but this changened when one day he walked into a geomatry lectutre. He then went forth and created a thermoscope, and later published a book on the creation of a hydrostatic balance he had made. Galileo also studied fine art to a point. Later he taught astronomy at a school and during that time he made some impressive discoveries in both science and practical appliesd science. His intrest grew to include astrology which was conected in math and astronomy. Galileo decide to figure more out about the tides and how the earth circles the sun, after a man named Cardinal Bellarmine wrote that the Copernican system could not…show more content…
This is caused by the Earth rotating on its axis and revolving around the sun.He tried to bring his theory of the tides to Cardinal Orsini. His theory gave the insight to the relavance of ocean basins and tides, but his theory was shot down due to the general account of the cause of tides. If his theory was accurate their would only be one tide per day, but since in Venice their is two tides a day it was incorrect. Galileo then became involved in an argument with a man named Orazio Grassi , who was a profesor at Jesuit Collegio Romano. This argument was at first a simple one over he nature of comet but then became much larger by the time he published the Assayer in 1623. It had manifested into a dispute over the nature of science

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