Fried Green Tomatoes Characters

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Fried Green Tomatoes Taking a look back at what I read and took note of when reading this book I saw several characters who had varying roles that were important to this book. I now want to take a little time out to take a closer look at each one. Let’s start, if someone has ever made a new friend than they would know that the best part is learning about them. When Ninny and Evelyn first meet it is only because Evelyn’s aunt didn’t want her visiting in the hospital so she would go wait in the waiting room. There, Ninny started talking to Evelyn and she reminded Ninny of the story of “Fried Green Tomatoes”. The author, Fannie Flagg wanted the reader to be able to relate to all of the main characters. The characters in the story have many characteristics, they have their own way of telling each part of the…show more content…
She meets Evelyn in the nursing home lobby, where she is sitting alone on the couch. Evelyn then comes in and she begins talking to Evelyn. Evelyn reminds Ninny of the story of “Fried Green Tomatoes”, so she begins to tell her the story. A few months later Evelyn comes back and again finds Ninny there, she tells Evelyn the story where they left off. Evelyn gets so interested that she starts to come back every day and listen to the story. Evelyn listens to this story and begins to think about her life. Evelyn thinks that in order to save her marriage she needs to go to weight loss classes and marriage classes. Later in the book she is quoted by saying “I am Towanda, righter of wrongs, queen beyond compare.” Her attitude changes dramatically throughout the story, she goes from a shy, timid housewife, to a conquering, brute named Towanda. Towanda is her alter ego. She uses Towanda to take out her anger and aggression while she stays the same sweet housewife for until she gets mad. She tells Ninny at one point that she hasn’t even touched a candy bar since she started talking to

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