Four Basic Principles Of Taylor's Scientific Management Approach

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Taylor's scientific management approach The scientific management (Taylor, 1947) approach was developed by Taylor to standardize procedures and achieve efficiency with a minimum input of energy and resources by use of scientific analyses and experiments. He began his work with distinct work process having considerable consequences throughout the system. His work had four basic principles following the bottom up approach. 1. Realize the best way to perform each work process. 2. Carefully pair the best worker with each work process based on analysis. 3. Use the reward and punishment as motivators while working closely with the workers. 4. The manager gives its governing roles based on scientifically calculated solutions and is merely part of…show more content…
This led to a dissatisfaction with work and declining Production quality. Administrative theory The administrative theory (Fayol, 1949) focuses on the administrative processes rather than technical processes (Taylor, 1947). His method was a top down approach in the form of hierarchical pyramid structure for management. He introduced the concept of line and staff, departments and entities. His work was based on two basic principles (Jorgen Laegard, 2006). 1. Coordination (Hierarchical Pyramid): All employees take orders from one superior. They Superiors had a limited span of control giving them control over only a limited number of manageable subordinates. The superior is responsible for special tasks while subordinates follow the routine work by supporting and helping the superior. 2. Specialization (Division of work in groups): This enables forming of standardized groups on the basis of Purpose, Process, Customer type and Geography. The two principles, oversimplifies the administrative conditions by expressing a high degree of formalization and hence being subjected to severe…show more content…
A rule-oriented system with set procedures and regulations. 4. Impartial recruitment based on technical qualifications 5. Recognition by designation and not by person, involving career growth. Weber also put forward a belief that organizational behavior is a web of human interactions, where cause and effect explains the behavior (Walonick, D, 2008) Simon's Theory of Administrative Behaviour Simon attempts to clarify the processes by which the gal specificity and formalization contributes to rational behavior (Rollag, K). He proposed the administrative man while criticizing Fayol and Taylors rational model for its lack of realism and the need to have an understanding of all the factors when decisions are made in an organization. He introduces his behavioral model and introduces the term The Administrative Man in Contrast to the Economic Man. The main characteristics of this model are defined as below 1. Problem Recognition – Identifying the problem 2. Problem Definition – Understanding the problem 3. Alternatives Search – Looking for alternative solutions 4. Impact assessment – Identify impact of each alternative 5. Choices – choosing a satisfactory alternative based on the set of certain

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