Essay On Crooked House

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Matthew Rizkallah Crooked House Summer Reading Crooked House by Agatha Christie is told in London and centers on the murder of Aristide Leonidas. The main character is named Charles Hayward and the story is about his investigation of the death of Aristide. During the course of the story, we see the Leonides struggling to who poisoned Aristide. Agatha Christie adds many unexpected twisted and turns throughout the story and can surprise you at any moment in the story. One conflict Charles needs to manage is his affectionate enthusiasm towards Sophia. In the beginning of the novel, Charles talks about meeting Sophia in Egypt towards the end of a war and how he quickly fell in love with her. Charles planned for almost three years to marry Sophia. Charles is shocked to read in the TIME magazine the…show more content…
Practically every last bit of her books incorporate secret and wrongdoing. Having read Agatha Christe books so for I can securely say Crooked House is one of my most loved main five among her books. The story is of one major upbeat family living together in excellent house. The leader of the family is 88-year-old Aristide Leonides, who is harmed by one of the relative. Aristide's granddaughter Sofia's life partner Charles set up his head together with police to discover the personality of executioner. The killer was imaginative, tricky, and splendid in deluding individuals' recognition and in executing every last murder in that house. For a tired pursuer, this novel may frustrate you on the off chance that you are so sluggish it would be impossible break down and make your conclusion on who was the killer. It will be past the point of no return, on the off chance that you are perusing the plot without intuition and attempt to fathom the wrongdoing before the end of this book. By then, regardless of the possibility that you can figure who the killer was, you will never comprehend why that individual did

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