Fix Me Jesus Alvin Ailey Analysis

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I myself am not a very spiritual person, that might be because my childhood wasn’t based on going to church every Sunday. However, my family did got to church on special holiday’s such as; Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. When we were in church on Sundays. As a child, I was always more drawn to the idea of dance. So when the members of the choir would dance and rejoice to spiritual music. I would stare never taking my eyes off of the dancers until they were finished. It always fascinated me how the movement of their bodies gave shape to the words of the spiritual music. That is why? When I saw the video titled “Fix Me Jesus,” which is apart of the Revelation’s suite by Alvin Ailey. I couldn’t help but become gravitated to the African American duo dancers as they gave shape to their bodies in a smooth manner. My eyes were fixated on every movement. The dance is choreographed by Alvin Ailey, whom is well known for his…show more content…
The music style is Spiritual a Capella. There are no instruments playing and the tone is extremely high resembling and operatic voice. The costume style is earthy. The colors used is brown, tan and light brown.The woman has on a tan dress with no sleeves and no shoes. The gentleman has on a brown fish net tank top, a loosely fitted brown pants and no shoes. It fit the theme precisely, because in the era of the apostles clothing were handmade and the pigment of clothing was earthly. The lighting is minimal and is focused in the center. This is done intentionally. The bright yellow light in the center of the stage is the sun.The dim lighting in the background are the clouds in the sky. Which when all put together are the surrounding of heaven.The scenery and props are not included in the dance piece and this is to direct all the attention on the

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