Fdr Three R's Analysis

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1933 was the height of the great depression and the inaugural year of our newly elected president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. At this time, 25% of the American workforce was unemployed. President Roosevelt's response to this was to act swiftly to stabilize the economy and provide jobs for those who were suffering through a plan called The Three "R's" (Relief, Recovery, Reform). It was through these three plans that Roosevelt was able to stabilize the American economy, calm the fears of the American people, and give hope of a brighter future. The first “R” was Relief. Things that FDR did under the relief plan were designed to take immediate actions to stabilize the economy. First was the Bank Holiday,declared on march 5 of 1933, which closed all banks for four days, which allowed the Federal government to redistribute money to all the banks so they could re-open. After that was established, next was the Emergency Banking Act, passed by congress four days later, which closed the failed banks and re-opened the operable ones. He then got laws passed for the Federal Emergency Relief Act, the civil Works Administration, and the Civilian conservation Corps. These programs provided immediate help through cash payments, and temporary jobs.…show more content…
Under the Recovery step of the plan, there were laws passed such as the Agricultural adjustment Act. This act pays farmers not go grow food, which in turn decreased supplies so that prices would rise. Another law was the Works Progress Administration. This gave people long term government jobs building schools and other publics works. The other large program passed was the TVA, or the Tennessee Valley Authority. This program built hydroelectric dams along the Tennessee river, which provided cheap electricity to rural

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