Family In Kurdish Culture

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The origin of the word family are going back to the Latin word families meaning “servants of a household”, and its meaning alters due to various perspectives. Family is defined as “a group consisting of one or two parents, their children and close relations” according to Oxford dictionary. However, there are different standpoints about it in Kurdish culture based on the people’s educational level. Firstly, among the educated or modernized members of the community family is explicated as the source in which they gain their respect and pride. Furthermore, this class of the community is either less or not patriarchal, and all of the family members possess analogous rights without exceptions. While the majority of Kurdistan’s population has a…show more content…
For example, they think that raising educated children who can depend on themselves and have their own say in all the circumstances is much more significant than a child who only cares about honor or name of the family. As it has been stated that when people are educated, their education protects their honor, and they make most of the decisions crucial - predicting the result. Hence, there is less possibilities to ruin their names within the society, and they make the people around them look at their new ideas and way of speaking rather than focusing on the relationships that they have. As this is the case among the uneducated people, for example, in the Kurdish communities when a respected and educated man gets into a relationship with a girl from his class, people would insist they are lucky that they have found each other, and eventually they would make a perfect family. Moreover, their families would support them to build a family, and this basically means family among the educated and modernized people is the support system to help each other to reach the place that they wish to. As Family Life Education reveals that the basic concepts, such as, learning right from wrong, keeping friends, and taking responsibilities…etc are the main themes or reflections of the family’s behavioral statue and this was examined using several boys and girls in 1947 in Japan (Edwards). This reinforces that the educated families who introduce their children to these concepts have a more valuable and successful family than the ones who are not familiar with these terms. Lastly, these are several factors which lead the educated people to define family as the support system, and it implies that negotiation is the main theme of family instead of hierarchy and

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