Family In Frankenstein

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“Family: Where life begins and Love never fails.” In today’s society a so- called “traditional family” is consisted of two parents and their children, but what they don’t apprehend is that a family can be consisted of various different combinations. Family types can range from nuclear families to other family types such as grandparent families, stepfamilies, single-parent families and many more. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein she portrays multiple family types for Victor’s family. Mary Shelley portrays a nuclear family, an adoptive family, and a single- parent family. In the first chapter of Frankenstein we read to find out that Victor and his parents assemble a traditional family, or a nuclear family. A nuclear family is a couple and their…show more content…
An adoptive family could competently be defined as a parent or parents that assume the parenting role of another child from the child’s biological or legal parents. After Victor was born Caroline longed to have a daughter, but for several years Victor was their only child. Victor and his family made numerous trips to foreign countries to assist in the beggarly villages; one trip however would transform their family forever. Caroline and Victor visited an adobe where she would find a child of a “different stock”. When Victor’s father returned home Caroline presented him with the most beautiful little girl with a “crown of distinction on her head”. “The apparition was soon explained. With his permission my mother prevailed on her rustic gardens to yield their charge to her… They consulted their village priest, and the result was that Elizabeth Lavenza became the inmate of my parents’ house.” Victor’s family suddenly changed from a nuclear family into an adoptive…show more content…
A single-parent family is a family made up of a solo parent who takes on most, if not all, of the responsibilities in raising a child or children. As Victor is preparing to leave for the University of Ingostadt, Elizabeth catches scarlet fever. Caroline was persuaded to refrain from attending to Elizabeth for a small amount of time. She soon learned that Elizabeth’s chances of living were very slim so she couldn’t hold back any longer. “Elizabeth was saved, but the consequences of this imprudence were fatal to her.” Caroline died calmly, and now the head of the house relied heavily to the shoulders of Victor’s father. “my firmest hopes of future happiness were placed on the prospect of your union. This expectation will now be the consolation of your father.” Victor’s father became the only parent now, but Elizabeth took on much of her mother’s responsibilities to help her
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