Comparison Of Frankenstein's Physical And Mental Health

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Imagine a young man near the age of twenty lying on a beautiful white-sand beach in Bora Bora. As he wriggles his toes in the warm sand, he listens to the calming music of the waves as they crash against the shore, and watches his children build sandcastles in the receding tides. He feels calm, he feels relaxed, he feels at peace. Now, imagine the same man alone, lying on a hotel bed in Miami, with a thunderstorm quickly making its way across the peninsula. Not particularly fond of violent weather patterns, he jumps every time electricity strikes or thunder shakes the building. He feels frightened, he feels frantic, and he feels panicked. When this man embraces his natural surroundings with his family dutiful at his side, he experiences content and peace of mind. However, when isolated from both his family and mother nature, he feels awkward, disassociated, and afraid. Similar emotional triumphs and tribulations are cultivated throughout the Frankenstein novel as Mary Shelley eloquently connects nature and family to the physical and mental health of Victor Frankenstein. The story Shelley tells encompases numerous character settings that fall into two distinct categories: immersed in…show more content…
At home and surrounded by both nature and family, Frankenstein is obviously at greater peace than when he lived in Scotland and Ingolstadt isolated from human contact and removed from the outdoors. As a happy and healthy child, he not only loved to play with his two closest friends, Elizabeth and Henry, but also enjoyed reading hundreds of scientific encyclopedias and textbooks satisfying his thirst for new knowledge. The nurturing atmosphere of Geneva exemplified by magnificent mountains and picturesque lakes only added to the loving affection of Frankenstein’s parents promoting both child discovery and unencumbered

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