Eyewitness Misidentification

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According to the Death Penalty Information Center, the conviction of Claude Jones who was executed in 2000 in Texas turned being doubtful. The only piece of physical evidence was the strand of hair that spotted Jones as the culprit. However, the DNA test revealed that the strand of hair belonged to the victim. “‘Unreliable forensic science and a completely inadequate post-conviction review process cost Claude Jones his life’” (D). Abolish the death penalty. Unreliable Eyewitness According to the Innocence Project, eyewitness misidentification captures 70% of the wrongful conviction. On the graph of contributing causes of wrongful conviction, it shows that 235 cases out of total 325 cases (first DNA exoneration) are caused because of the eyewitness misidentification (The Causes of Wrongful Conviction).…show more content…
First, memory does not flash back to the exactly same original information. Second, memory often saved information as sound rather than an image so that the victim cannot find the right one with detailed information. For example, the victim who remembers information of the assailant verbally can remember that the skin of the assailant was dark, but is not able to distinguish a person among dark color people. Third, since “memory is a reconstruction, not a record”, it has gaps among the memory itself, and the memory tends to fill the gap with “stereotyped mental models of objects and events”, once people recollect a situation. Fourth, memory is personal; people can remember a situation or an object differently depends on their values, beliefs, or experiences. Last, “memory changes overtime and with retelling”. Green says many studies has reported that memory changes because people drop details when they retell events and add new details
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