Comparing Female Dominance In Othello And Glaspell's Tri

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Great authors have illuminated the harsh treatment of women throughout history. From the Victorian Era to the latter half of the nineteenth century, two authors in particular have penned plays worthy of comparison. In the play “Othello,” a maiden marries for love; however she becomes victim of her murderous lover. On the other hand, in the play “Trifles,” the abusive husband falls victim to downtrodden wife. Both Shakespeare’s “Othello” and Glaspell’s “Trifles” present the theme of patriarchal dominance through female characters who exemplify submission, victimization, and veiled strengths. From as early as biblical times, females have been expected to submit to their male counterparts. Customarily, Shakespeare’s Desdemona appears as a submissive…show more content…
Confident that Victorian daughters wait for their fathers to select their mates, he declares the idea she would running away with Othello as “against all rules of nature” (I.iii.103). However, she has eloped with Othello and her new duty is to her husband. First, she demonstrates obedience to Othello during a jubilant beginning, then she remains loyal against his abusive false accusations, and finally she tries to shield his murderous acts when he strangles her. Afterwards, when Emilia asks who attacked her, she lies saying, “Nobody; I myself. Farewell. Commend me to my kind lord” (V.ii.28-29). Ironically, Desdemona is murdered by a loving husband; however, Mrs. Wright in “Trifles” lorded over by an oppressive husband who keeps a tight rein on her and forces her to live a secluded life. As Mrs. Hale speaks of Minnie’s husband, she says, “Wright was close,” (Glaspell) meaning he micromanaged her every move. But women in this era were not only submissive to their husbands and fathers; they were

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