Existential Nihilism In Khayyam's Poem

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On the other hand, for Khayyam, life is nothing but at the same time everything. While he believes that life is meaningless and impermanent (existential nihilism), he emphasizes on living the life to the fullest in the moment. Impermanence of life, the transience of time and the sufferings which human beings undergo for this collapsible and perishable world are the contents which have preoccupied Khayyam’s mind during his lifetime which are presented in his Rubáiyát which can be considered as justifications for proving his nihilism. In the following, some excerpts of the ruba’is in proof of his nihilistic viewpoints are presented: Some of his ruba’is directly refer to the futility of the world, the Creation and human sufferings in the world.…show more content…
" اين قافلة عمر عجب مي گذرد!/درياب دمي كه با طرب مي گذرد؛/ساقي، غم فرداي حريفان چه خوري./پيش آر پياله را، كه شب مي گذرد. (113) ¡ "Mira la caravana de la vida que pasa!/ Disfruta cada instante que escapa, jubiloso;/ ¿qué más te da el mañana de los demás? ¡Saquí!/ acércame la copa, que la noche se va (113). " Furthermore, the unjustified, trivial and pointless existence of the human being and his nothingness in the world is discussed in some other ruba’is: يك قطرة آب بود و با دريا شد،/يك ذرة خاك و با زمين يكتا شد،/آمد شدن تو اندرين عالم چيست؟/آمد مگسي پديد و ناپيدا شد…show more content…
(3) "No obtuvo el universo provecho a mi llegada,/ ni aumentará mi marcha su rango y esplendor,/ ni de nadie escucharon mis oídos jamás/ por qué un día llegué y otro me marcharé (3)." There are some ruba’is in which the concept of nihilism is mentioned implicitly, for instance: چون چرخ بكام يك خردمند نگشت،/خواهي تو فلك هفت شمر، خواهي هشت/چون بايد مرد و آرزوها همه هشت،/چه مور خورد به گور و چه گرگ بدشت. (40) "El giro de la rueda no es a gusto del sabio,/ igual si cuentas siete que si son ocho cielos;/ si la muerte es segura y todo anhelo acaba,/ ¿qué más da ser comida de lobos o de hormigas?

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