Essay On Carbon Sequestration

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Stated by Andriesse (1988) degree of humification can be known by C:P ratio. The C:P ratio can be calculated by determination of organic carbon content in organic soil (which is relevant for agricultural development purposes) which the values can range from 12 to 60%. Generally, subsoil has lower organic carbon content than at the surface which at the surface value ranging from 58% while subsoil value from 25% (Kanapathy, 1976; Muniandy et al., 2009). Deep organic soils have large content of ligneous materials such as in oligotrophic Histosols. Accumulation of lignin content is low in the shallow organic soil. SOM is made out of 57% of carbon by weight. The vegetation produce organic matter using sunlight energy and combines with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and water. SOM is created by the recycling of these organic compounds from plants, animals, and microbes into the soil. Well decomposed organic matter forms humus in the soil that provides a carbon and energy source for soil microbes and plants. Thus, carbon sequestration is the process removing carbon from the atmosphere. This to avoid carbon emissions from reaching the atmosphere by capturing and diverting them to secure storage and remove carbon from the atmosphere by…show more content…
Agricultural ecosystems represent an estimated 11% of the earths land surface which includes some of the most productive and carbon-rich soils. As a result, they have a significant role in the storage and release of carbon within the terrestrial carbon cycle (Lal et al., 1995). According to Bohn (1976) and Post et al., (1982) global soils contain approximately about 202 to 860 Gt of carbon. Although, Malaysia does not have much data on carbon sequestration, we can refer to studies done in Indonesia because of its climate and topography which is more similar to

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