Exist Or Living In The Age Of Innocence

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Existing or Living? Commentary on the Age of Innocence Much like sweet or salty, small or large, loud or quiet, after reading The Age of Innocence, by Edith Wharton, one might find themselves choosing “teams.” Is Wharton’s main character, Newland Archer better off being with the basic, well-behaved girl, or the unique, rebellious woman? Both instances have their own consequences. The question is, did Newland make the right choice by choosing to be with May? Despite what most readers think, Newland chose to appease New York’s high society by staying with May, and it ended up being a relatively nice and happy life for all three characters. Toward the end of the novel, there is a departure dinner party for Ellen. Immediately after she makes her exit, Newland decides to inform May of his love for her uniquely attractive cousin. The two sit down with each other to discuss. This is the moment that everything is supposed to change, the climax of the novel. This is when he is supposed to publicly choose Ellen, right? Well, wrong. At the worst, possible moment, Wharton disappoints the reader, and she drops the news of May’s pregnancy. It is an…show more content…
For example, Wharton foreshadows that the Beauforts will have some part in the lives of the Archers, because she writes about how their reputation in New York is so fragile, and how the characters are not too fond of them. Wharton shows more foreshadowing by describing how Archer feels about May when they are at the opera, at the beginning of the novel. He talks about how she is the perfect girl for him and they understand each other so well, but it is actually giving insight into a problem in their relationship in the near future. Wharton uses symbolism at the end of the novel when the father and son go to visit Ellen. Even though they did not meet face-to-face, the visit symbolizes how the two are going to always have a connection and be drawn back to each
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