Exemplification Essay: Why Kids Should Be In Sports

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One of the many activities in school is band. Band is an activity that anyone can join and there is no cutting and popularity contest involved. Many schools believe that only sports are important because they benefit the student’s health, or something like that. That people who are not able to play sports are worthless losers and only the popular, rich kids should be in sports. What about all of the other kids: the geeks, the socially awkward people, and the losers. How are they suppose to feel loved and wanted? Even though the band isn’t the equivalent of the all important football team, the band has more members than the football team, the friendships created by the band nerds are more bonding than many other sports team, and how the workings of playing an instrument helps in almost all of the high classes.…show more content…
Every year more and more students join the band and the band will never stop growing. The wonderful thing about band is there is no cutting of players. Band doesn’t have a popularity contest, where only the popular, pretty, and rich kids are allowed on the team. Because apparently any other normal student wouldn’t bring in crowds to watch the games, they have to have the popular students. Band is the total opposite of sports. No matter how good or bad the student is at playing there will always be a place for them. The better players get solos, but even the worst of the worst is still out on the field marching or playing in a

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