Exclusionary Rule

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The exclusionary rule is a rule that is based off the Fourth Amendment in the Constitution of our country. The exclusionary rule is a doctrine that requires any form of illegal evidence must be excluded from an individual when on trial in a court of law; this includes any type of warrantless searches. This rule facilitates that law enforcement (police officers) to only perform a search warrant with the authorization of a judge. This search warrant is to authorize the police to search in a private property without having to have any consent of the owner of the property and specifies what is exactly the police are searching for in the private property. Protection the rights of the citizens is the main purpose of this rule; this gives the citizens a form of security if and when they were to be in a court of law if one were to be proven guilty. In our society, there are two different viewpoints of this rule; some agree to this rule and some argue this Amendment.…show more content…
This rule helps only those who are not convicted guilty in a court of law. If one is convicted as innocent, then a court order search and seizure will not be placed for the one who is being convicted. As a citizen however, I do not believe that this would help contribute to the common good in accordance to the Catholic Social Teaching’s perspective. I would believe this because as part of the common good, one would want justice and social order from the government in a case where one is being convicted as innocent because of lack of legal evidence law officials have found to be proven guilty. In contrary to that, as a follower and believer of Christ, I would say that our way of thinking would agree with this exclusionary
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