The Odyssey is the story of an ancient Greek named Odysseus. It tells the story of Odysseus’s journey back home to Ithaca from Troy after the Trojan wars. The journey took him twenty years. He and the men who followed him endured unbelievable hardships during that time. Odysseus’s intelligence allowed him to outwit many adversaries and overcome all sorts of obstacles that he and his men encountered. Odysseus is a hero because his intelligence, determination and perseverance are finally rewarded
Comparison: Hero or Anti-hero? Over the past couple of months, our literature and composition class has examined and analyzed three classical pieces of literature and compared them to the steps of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey concept. As we delved deeper into the analyzation process, the most prominent question brought to my attention was whether our three protagonists, Santiago, Edmond, and Odysseus, were heroes or antiheroes. Given, there are many different definitions of the term “hero”, we will