Persepolis Research Paper

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Persepolis Essay Persepolis, by Marjane Satrapi is a graphic tells us about the loss of innocence of a young girl who grew up in Iran in the 1970s and 1980s. Marjane, the main character, was just 10 years old when the Shah was overthrown and replaced by the Islamic regime .The Islamic revolution began to gain power in 1979. Since Marji and her parents were very modern, they were against the Islamic government’s rules about personal behavior, so that’s why Marji starts to rebel against the Iranian regime. Marji rebels against the regime by listening to western music and wearing western fashion, going to protests, and by misbehaving in school. Soon after the Islamic regime took control, the female students had to wear veils at their schools, but they didn’t like to wear them because they didn’t even know why they had to wear it. Also, the male and female students were segregated, and all bilingual schools were being shut down because they were a symbol of capitalism. There were protestors in the streets that were for and against this “cultural revolution.” One way that Marji rebels against the Islamic regime is that she went to demonstrations to protest. One time she went to a demonstration with her…show more content…
When her parent’s went to Turkey for a vacation, Marji asked her parents to bring posters of Kim Wilde and Iron Maiden and a denim jacket. These things were forbidden in Iran. When her parents gave her the gifts, she immediately put on her denim jacket, her Nikes, her headscarf, and Michael Jackson button and headed out to buy tapes. Guardians of the revolution, who were a part of the Woman’s Branch, had the authority to arrest women who were improperly veiled. They stopped her and started to harass her about the clothes she was wearing and the music that she was listening to. They were about to take her to the committee, but Marji made up a lie to get out of the

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