European Colonization In New France

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European nations’ tactic to colonization had insightful and profound insinuations on the political, economic, and cultural patterns of nations in the Americas. Changes in trade, technology, and demographics resulting from European exploration in the New World involved the impacts of fur trade, sugar mills, and settlement patterns and interracial marriage. Firstly, Europeans changed the game of trading by efficiently exchanging fur. The European market for fur in the first French North American colony at Nova Scotia, New France (the newly created capital of Québec), was the main source of inspiration behind the settlement of the French as they exclusively desired to establish trendy and highly stylish beaver skin hats. The French had an urge…show more content…
The formation of multicultural societies during the early modern period were an effect of the exploration of Europeans. Hence why mulattos (the first-generation offspring of a black person and a white person) and zambos (a mixed ethnic individual whose parents are African and Native American—racial mixing that was most common in Brazil) were not rare in previous history as they had just begun to increase the population. Several mixed heritage children were born when Europeans had come to the Americas as explorers and conquerors, while Native Americans were a subject people annihilated by diseases of which were classified as epidemic, and Africans were by force migrated to the Americas as means of becoming slaves. Because of the lack of European women in Spanish, Portuguese, and French colonies, it wasn’t considered strange for the masters within the New World to develop intense relationships with indigenous or slaved women. This resulted in an increasingly mestizo (mixed) population. Mestizos, who typically had darker coloring as a result of their mixed ancestry, were considered lower-class. Additively, the Iberian colonies experienced the greatest amount of ethnic mixing and multiculturalism. Moreover, Creoles who were the peoples of pure European ancestry of which were born in the Americas, occupied a slightly lower rank. Although the population never became large, it was common for French fur traders to intermarry with Native American women, producing métis (mixed) children. In summary, in the modern period, American continents became home to complex multicultural and ethnically mixed societies as peoples of varied ancestry lived together and
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