Ethical Issues In Wounded Knee

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For many years Indigenous people’s voices were ignored by the government and society. Every time the government decided what was best for Indigenous people the tribes never had their voices heard. Society would just accept it because to society indigenous people were invisible. Even though indigenous people were the first people in United States their place in it was becoming smaller ever generation. In 1890 the first Wounded Knee took place, Custard and his soldiers slaughtered the Sioux tribe nearly wiping them all out (White, Lecture). The Sioux who survived this event were traumatized for life. The invisible scars these survivors carried with them were passed down to the next Generation. These Invisible scars would help to set the stage for the second Wounded Knee.…show more content…
Dick Wilson was the tribal leader terrorizing the Oglala Sioux on the reservation who were not like him. The Oglala Sioux had tried to every legal way to get rid of him but failed. When trying to be peaceful failed for Oglala people the called in the AIM (American Indian Movement) to help them. AIM then decided to take over Wounded Knee so that the Oglala Sioux voices could be heard. Tired of being ignored AIM used the Wounded Knee to gain attention to Indigenous peoples issues. To do this AIM used their connections within television to get reports to come capture the events of the takeover. The coverage allowed AIM to get the public on their side including some government officials. “Senator Abourezk was supportive, which ruined his chances for reelection” (Pg. 140 Crow Dog). Showing that Senator Abourezk cared more about Indigenous people then politics. The government since its creation had been creating scars in the memories of Indigenous

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