Hamlet Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Hamlet often uses sarcasm in expressing his emotions against the corrupted people of the world and himself. He is frustrated about how his mother decided to marry his father’s cousin, Claudius, within a month of his father’s death. While talking to his friends Horatio, Marcellus, and Bernardo, he mocks about the timing between his father’s funeral and his mother’s remarriage by saying: “Thrift, thrift, Horatio! The funeral baked meats / Did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables” (I.ii.33). To Hamlet, the time from the funeral and the marriage was so small that he could believe that the food from his father’s funeral could be used for his mother’s wedding. He ends up being sarcastic to express his emotions about the marriage without extruding…show more content…
(II.i.57-61) Depressed from the death of his father and his incapability to carry out his wishes, Hamlet gains excruciating emotions that lead him to a desire of suicide, with only his religion and morals keeping him alive. His use of metaphor projects an image of the obscure and unbearable forces Hamlet is facing against in his heart. Within the soliloquy, the audience becomes deeply aware about the effects of the recent events on Hamlet’s emotions and the magnitude of the pain he feels about them. Not only does Hamlet display suicidal tendencies, but he also belittles himself from the lack of violence and revenge against his god-forsaken uncle. He constantly criticizes himself as he continuously fails to slay his back-stabbing uncle, Claudius, for his grave sins of killing his own brother and marries his wife. After a brief conversation with one of the Norwegian sailor, he criticizes his past actions and sticks with a final decision of violence. Now, whether it be Bestial oblivion, or some craven scruple Of thinking too precisely on th’ event... I do not

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