TENDED ESSAY : Thesis : A peaceful march was smart strategy from the king Hassan II, the call for volunteers from the local population, ordinary citizens to walk in a march called the green march by the locals and recognized by the world under this name, and by the country of the western Sahara the BLACK march, it was of a paramount importance for territorial integrity of the country of Morocco, in order to bring back the colonized Sahara. But yet not efficient, because even if Spain was forced
Change and Continuity Essay By Celine Sawiris During the fifteenth century, Africa embraced many different civilizations and many diverse cultures. Many countries in Africa were part of the Muslim world, including Morocco in the west, to Egypt in the east. The West African Kingdoms of Pre-Islamic Ghana, Ghana, Mali, and Songhai persisted in geography and its trade routes but had experienced life-changing choices when a new religion had invaded; Islam. The West African kingdom has experienced many