Essay On Sexism In Sidddhartha

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Sexism is very prominent in gaming, but not in the ways that people commonly think of. Most of the sexism in gaming is from the players and not the games themselves. Female gamers often misconstrue the contents of video games as sexist when they aren’t at all. Any video game that lacks a lead female character is immediately deemed sexist, while if you take a game with only a lead female character, for example Laura Croft in the game Tomb Raider, it is objectifying women, and as a result, sexist. The small amount of sexism that is present in games themselves is well justified, as video games are an industry and the companies behind them need to make a profit. Sexism is also present in Siddhartha in that the only female character appearing in the entire book is depicted…show more content…
Statistically speaking most gamers are male, and most of the talk about male gamers is them being rude toward, and sometimes threatening the female population of the gaming community. To be honest, it's not that male gamers hate women, its more that they can hide behind the shroud of anonymity to attack another person with next to no repercussions, and some people will do it to basically anyone who causes them to lose a game, and when it's a woman, they tend to use sexism as a key point of attack as men are more common gamers and as a result or often seen as better gamers. This leads men to look down at women gamers and insult them based on the fact that they are women, which of course, is sexist. The sexism comments seem to seem like the only comments because they are heard the loudest. A lot of times when someone receives a hateful comment like that they shrug it off as a guy getting too angry over a video game, but once it gets sexist or threatening, people tend to take it a lot more seriously. It also seems that sexism and threats tend to come in pairs, which might be because most men aren't as afraid of women as they are other

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