Essay On Roadside Vegetation

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IMPORTANCE OF ROADSIDE VEGETATION By Dr. R.R. Singh*, Er. Nitin Goyal** & Er. Navpreet Kaur*** ABSTRACT Roads are the integral part of transportation system. It plays a significant role in achieving national development and with the help of road side vegetation and by selecting right species of plant at right area we can reduce the maintenance needs and cost of road, provides safety for vehicles, improves the overall driving experience of roads, reduce soil erosion. Enhance the drainage aspect of roads as vegetation increase the water infiltration capacity of soil, improves the shear strength of embankments by controlling the moisture content and increase the life of shoulder. Beside all these factors vegetation also cover the environmental aspect such as control noise pollution, air pollution and maintains the ecological balance and aesthetic view. *Associate professor(CED) PEC University of Technology,Chd. INDIA **&***Research scholar(CED) PEC University of Technology,Chd. 1. INTRODUCTION As with growing time government of every country wants the best & economic technique should be adopted in each part of the country & an attempt is made by the engineers to find the alternatives of each technique. The Roadside vegetation or bio engineering is a technique through which the life of road can be increased by controlling the moisture…show more content…
Landslides are basic problem on all hill roads. There are many factors which contribute the land slide whereas deforestation, grazing of animals is also a major contributing factor. As trees or vegetation on roadside not only increase shear strength along the failure plane but also improves the load carrying capacity of soil along the failure plane, provides lateral support by preventing soil erosion. As a preventive measure to avoid landslides afforestation & fencing should be done so that grazing of animals should be

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