Essay On Political Stability In Mauritius

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First of all, the republic of Mauritius is a parliamentary democracy based on the Westminster model which is one of the rare British colonial adopting the political system inherited from the colonial times. This model was to ensure the power sharing for the survival and growth of the multi ethnic society. Before having the ‘political stability’, Mauritius had to face several politics turmoil. These difficulties are raised from the building-up of the independence. But despite of these encounters it can be said that Mauritius were fortunate not experiencing any civil, ethnic or political war striking the well-being of the society. Political stability of the post-independence of Mauritius some scholars would explain it through the role of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, considered as the ‘Father’ of the nation in making Mauritius as ‘an island of success’ and prosperity. In addition with the social and economic developments, Mauritius has been able to develop strong movements in promoting the sense of ‘Mauritianism’ bringing up along the political stability within the poly-ethnic Mauritian society. Furthermore, three main strategies has been maintained such as the constitutional…show more content…
By overtaking sugar as the main pillar of the economy, this has opened up to the creation of full employments in the service and infrastructural sectors. Female participation in the labour force was also increasing from 17% to 25 %2. SSR‘s aim was also to guarantee the ‘equal of opportunities’ to all the Mauritians regardless of their ethnic, class or religion belonging. All the populations received benefits such as education subsidized from primary, secondary to university levels, allocations have also been implemented to the National Pension Scheme, and healthcare was also heavily subsidized. Moreover, food subsidies have been also introduced and so

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