Essay On Junk Food Cravings

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Pregnancy junk food cravings are more common that you think. Though there is a small population of lucky women who crave the green stuff, most of us ordinary mortals have visions of sugarplum fairies and would rather take Marie Antoinette's advice to heart and eat cake -pregnancy junk food cravings are often for unhealthy sugar and sodium-stuffed foods. Giving in to these pregnancy junk food cravings means overloading the body with empty calories with no place for the good things the body needs at this crucial time. While you may occasionally give in to pregnancy junk food cravings and enjoy cupcakes with loads of rainbow-hued sprinkles, you need to think of the growing baby and get some healthy food for yourself. Pregnancy junk food cravings are also dangerous for…show more content…
In fact, studies prove that expectant mothers should exercise to promote blood-lymph circulation as well as keep backaches away and avoid pregnancy junk food cravings. If you want to curb hunger and distract yourself from pregnancy junk food cravings, take a walk or consider low-impact aerobics and swimming that will not only cut away pregnancy junk food cravings but build stamina for labor and delivery. Beat the blues by surrounding yourself with happy and positive people. One of the common reasons for pregnancy junk food cravings is the need for comfort food due to the excessive hormonal imbalances that may occur at this time. Eat frequent small meals if you get really bad pregnancy junk food cravings. This will help your body to avoid pregnancy junk food cravings by ensuring that you are not too full at one time with a spike in blood sugar levels and then a sharp fall will make you feel hunger worse than it is and trigger pregnancy junk food cravings. Swap the bad stuff for the good stuff even if you get pregnancy junk food cravings. For example, if you get pregnancy junk food cravings for cake, try angel food cake with fresh strawberries

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