Essay On Figure Skating

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All eyes are on the ongoing Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, South Korea as the games enter the final week. One of the sports popular with live and TV viewers is figure skating as it is a delight to the eyes watching the skaters glide, jump, and spin. Besides the grace and strength shown by the figure skaters, fans of the sport are wondering how come the athletes do not become dizzy even if they keep on spinning several times. However, Live Science pointed out that the figure skaters are subject to the same physical laws as ordinary people who become nauseous if they keep on spinning. Secret of figure skaters The website said that figure skaters like Mirai Nagasu, Nathan Chen, and Adam Rippon overcome dizziness by habituating their brains…show more content…
It is similar to what other people who need to control dizziness in other contexts go through. The two neuroscientists cited as examples potential astronauts and patients with a damaged inner ear which send constant, dizzying signals to the brain that induce vertigo. At Brandeis, they have a large room that spins fast enough to induce seven times the force of the Earth’s gravity. The astronaut-aspirants and patients practice the spin over and over, DiZio disclosed. For vertigo patients, what they practice is all kinds of head-twisting exercises. For figure skaters, it begins with just one or two spins and then they build up and work out too. He said even the most trained figure skater cannot 100 percent habituate since they will still feel some of the disorientation of a long, twisting doughnut spin. Another trick of skaters is to come out of a spin with their eyes locked on a landmark. It makes sense from the perspective of neuroscience because, after a long spin, DiZio said that the inner ear is kind of reflexively driving the eyes in a way that will mess up vision. However, skaters pick in advance landmarks to focus their eyes on after each spin. By doing that, even if the inner ear gives the figure skater gives messed-up information, the eyes are helping out the

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