Essay On Cultural Heritage

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In the article “Anthropological Places, Digital Spaces and Imaginary Scapes: Packaging a Digital Samiland” written by Coppelie Cocq it is examined what cultural heritage is and how is identity created together with the elements that make a culture to be what it is. This article talks also about the differences that sami people have in regards to the place where they live. As I was reading the article I came very interested in knowing more about our cultural heritage and its impact in Kosovo. Furthermore, I wanted to know how is our culture being preserved and the impact of the landscape in the creation of our cultural heritage. To conduct the necessary information, I decided to talk with Parim Kosova, who knows more about cultural heritage and who would give me relevant information about this…show more content…
I met with Mr. Kosova in his office and firstly I explained him what I was interested to know and for what reason did I choose this topic. Mr. Kosova was very polite and was willing to answer all of my questions. Then, I started to ask him about some specific questions such as: What is cultural heritage? , Who is responsible for its preservation and promotion? , What are citizens doing to preserve it and how is nature or land relevant to cultural heritage? and so on. Mr. Kosova started to give me some basic information for cultural heritage. He said the all values and practices that are manmade and have passed to people for centuries till today are called as cultural heritage. Cultural heritage is divided into many groups such as archeological, architectural, and spiritual. There are many institutions that are responsible for the promotion and preservation of cultural heritage. One of the main institutions that take care for it is the department of the cultural heritage that is located near the Ministry of Culture. There are also organizations

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