Essay On Crime Scene Cleanup

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What to Do and Not Do When Choosing Crime Scene Cleanup Companies You don’t want to think that it would happen to you, but you could be the victim of a crime. If the crime is serious enough, you will need to hire a crime scene cleanup company. The crime could be simply that someone threw a brick through your window and left glass in your rugs, on your floors and in your furniture. This is a crime scene that needs cleaning up, but it doesn’t require much. A carpet cleaning company can do the work. However, crime scene cleanup can be as complicated as someone shot or beaten in your home or office. This type of crime scene cleanup deals with bodily fluids and hazardous waste. You need a special company to answer this call. Because this is not something you normally…show more content…
Regular cleaning companies do not know how to handle hazardous wastes. They don’t know the federal and state regulations regarding cleanup and disposal of wastes. They also are not certified to clean these wastes. However, you can call a regular cleaning service is the situation does not involve hazardous wastes. Pick a company that does cleaning on the side. For the reasons stated earlier, this is not a good way to go when finding cleanup companies. They must be certified. A certified hazardous materials crime scene crew will get out all of the material without leaving any of the material behind. Some crime scene clean up crews do not take care when cleaning your space. They might use only bleach, which would not follow regulations. Do it yourself. Besides the pathogens involved in body fluids and blood, you would not know the regulations. You would be too traumatized. And, you would not have the specialized equipment. Again, you would not know how to handle hazardous wastes and be certified to deal with such materials. You may miss many spots you don’t see and aren’t trained to look. You may also end up throwing out materials that won’t need to be thrown out if properly

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