Essay On Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper

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“The Yellow Wallpaper” was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The poem was published in 1899. The poem is about an intellectual woman that feels oppressed and intellectually limited. The woman in the poem is prescribed by a doctor to take “the rest cure approach (Britannica Biographies 1).” The cure implied the woman to “live as domestically as possible (Britannica Biographies 1)”, and forbid her to do what she loved most, write. Ironically it is the very ‘cure’ that drives her to insanity. The oppression the narrator feels is due to the male dominated society which existed in the nineteenth century. It was this oppression that drove Charlotte Gilman, and many other women, to begin the Women’s Suffrage Movement. Although it is never directly…show more content…
After the birth of her daughter, Charlotte began to suffer episodes of depression. One can assume she was suffering from postpartum depression. After visiting a friend in Pasadena, California Charlotte accepted an offer to contribute poems to the Woman’s Journal, published by the American Woman Suffrage Association. It was the early work of Charlotte Stetson that reflected the passion she felt about a woman’s need to work and accomplish more than just being a housewife. Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, the famous “nerve doctor (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia)”, diagnosed Charlotte with nerve exhaustion. In modern society it is referred to as clinical depression. He treated her with a “Rest Cure (Britannica Biographies 1)” that insisted on complete bed rest in an isolated environment. During the first stage Charlotte would not be permitted to read, write, sew, feed her-self, or talk to others. After a month Charlotte was sent home to “live as domestic as possible. Have her child with her at all times, aside from two intellectual hours a day. She was forbidden to touch a pen, brush, or pencil as long as she lived (Lane 2)”. The orders given by Charlotte’s doctor were

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