Biomedical Sciences Personal Statement

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Biomedical sciences have been a particular interest to me since I have been diagnosed with diabetes. Since then I have been captivated by human anatomy and how different diseases have been caused. Biomedical scientists are essential If we did not have their help we would never know what disease we were suffering from. I am a caring passionate student who is always ready to accept challenges which are waiting ahead of me. For example I'm good at operating new technology such as managing my own insulin pump related to my diabetes. The secret to a fulfilling career would be to fulfil one intellectual interest and a clear sense of purpose. This would require me to pursue a career with a strong scientific background. My passion in science was reflected in my A- level options. Studying biology and chemistry at high school has allowed my fascination in aspect of human anatomy to develop. Through studying biology at A- level I have learnt a lot about how disease's developing and how the human body does not always fight them off successfully. This has also increased my interest in genetics and studying the structure of DNA.…show more content…
Volunteering has allowed me to interact with new people and allowed me to develop my communication skills.As well as showing I'm trustworthy or reliable .Being a quick learner has been crucial for volunteering at a charity shop for example from day one I learned how to handle the till and manage customer enquiries. It has also allowed me to deal with demanding tasks which would prepare me for university life . I am a hardworking and conscientious person who is willing take on new

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