Essay On 19th Century Journalism

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Technological Changes Since the 19th-century, the technological evolution became faster than the previous centuries. Changes in the technology empowered by the dedicated and dynamic industrial age maneuver the society to a more revolutionary direction. The modern technology brought with it the modernized approaches in journalism while ensuring the more effective and productive delivery of information. Journalism nowadays is something that we can see and experience anywhere and at any time with the given power of technology and internet in particular. The obvious changes in the environment and technology of media interrogated the nature of journalism and defined the interest of public nowadays; wherein the result is serious implications in…show more content…
At present, all we could do is to enjoy the development of journalism and look forward to its future innovations. The 19th-century journalism indeed influences the flow of modern journalism which made it more flexible, reliable, and even profitable. The social, political, commercial and technological changes that accompany the evolution of news and journalism in the modern age are worth looking at when the industry will drive new and more revolutionary path in the future. Becoming more responsible in delivering and accepting the news, the general public became more aware of the events in the society with the help of continuously evolving technology. Technology played a big part in the entire news and journalism development from the industrial age up to the internet age. This allowed the world to separate myths from the reliable information; thus fostering better societal relationship and understanding. The commercialization of news and industry has a very special role in its overall development. The changes mentioned in this paper will remain to be the changes worth elaborating for the future research regarding the news and journalism development of the past and future

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