Entomology Case Study Solution

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I. INTRODUCTION Entomology is a course given to the students of Biology Education program which is in the sixth semester. Entomology is part of the science of Biology that studies on insects, which based on survey results in preliminary research, students tend to consider this course as a fairly difficult and tedious course that ultimately affects is quite low. This is most likely because students are less active in the process of thinking and solving problems that need to be addressed by implementing appropriate learning strategies, which can make students active in the process of thinking and problem-solving. Learning strategy according to [1], can be defined as planning that contains about a series of activities designed to achieve certain…show more content…
According to Argyris in [4] study of DLPS is the process of comparing problems with existing solutions, questioning whether the solution is appropriate and justifying whether this is the best way to solve the problem. Current temporary solutions will be called into question to, perhaps, establish a new set of solutions. This strategy emphasizes the question and modification of solutions, procedures, policies, and objectives of problem resolution, where the process involves changing knowledge base or specific competencies. DLPS strategy facilitate learner to reflect on and inquire into previous context, wether success or failure. Learner asked to discover inhibiting or successing factor, and invent new strategy to improve a context that have been learned or discussed [5]. The DLPS strategy suggested here accommodates different levels of the cause of a problem, including the mechanism by which a problem occurs. DLPS will encourage learners (in this case students) to work on two different but interlinked loops, where the two loops are as follows [6]: 1) The solution loop 1 is intended to detect the cause of the problem most directly, and then design and implement temporary solutions. 2) Loop solution 2 seeks to find a higher-rooted cause, and then designs and implements the solution from the root of the…show more content…
In this study hypothesis test using t-test, this test uses posttest result of student of treatment class and control class. Based on the calculation, the tcount of 3.26 is greater than the ttable at a significant level of 5% with df = 68 of 1.99, then the alternative hypothesis of this study received and Hypothesis null rejected, which means there is influence of learning Double Loop Problem Solving against Entomology cognitive learning outcomes. Here is the result of the hypothesis test using

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