English Peasant Revolt 1381

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The peasant revolt is the result of the discontent about the existed system as well as the oppression from lords for a long time instead of taking place on the spur of the moment. The addition of taxes and heavy corvee from the government makes the peasants live beyond their means for decades. The economic hardship, poor harvests as well as the great pressure from the lords accounted for their striving for their rights and seeking for a better living condition. At the same time, religion played an important role in facilitating this process. Religion is the main reason behind the decision of these peasants to pursue more rights through fight, as well as encouraging them to keep on going towards a better living. The changing climate in the 14th…show more content…
The protesters resorted to the violent rebellions, in which they destroyed the cloister, court and prisons, and killed many notorious officials and nobles. Although this revolt ended in failure under the violent suppression from the feudal country, it gave a heavy blow to the feudal ruling order, pushing the development of the English history. The German Peasants’ Revolt, with the purpose to reject the oppression from the government and overturn the feudalism, experienced the period of rise and fall. The resisters also burnt castles, and executed oppressors and traitors. This revolt was a massive disaster for German peasants, in which several tens of thousands peasant died in this affair. The positive part was that the revolt profoundly impacted the rule of the Catholic Church and facilitated the development of…show more content…
The assertion of religious reform from Martin Luther was the main cause for the opposition unrest and the peasant revolt. His famous Twelve Articles of the German Peasants - 1525, from the perspective of connecting with God, successfully aroused the people’s awareness to fight against the poor and unfair treatment, and pursuit for freedom. This document conveyed the desire of people to find answers they needed from God for revolting. Martin stated that “all who believed in Christ should learn to be loving, peaceful, long-sufferings and harmonies” (12文章), which should serve as the guide in life. However, the revolt was not the disobedience of the Gospel but the fight against the devil that destroyed their ways to follow these guidance. Due to the faith in God, the peasants developed firmly believe in the statement in the document and aroused the idea to fight for their human rights and civil liberties. In the sixth article, Martin called people to make responses for the oppression, especially the increasing excessive serviced demanded them, because they were required only to serve according to the will of God

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