Emily Smith Chivalry

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Some believe that chivalry only encourages sexist treatment towards women. Others, like Emily E. Smith, author of “Let’s Give Chivalry a Second Chance”, stress the great need of chivalry in our society today. She uses what she has experienced, balanced appeals, a noble intention, and a varying tone to push her thoughts to the reader. Emily Smith sees a vast rift between the presences of male courtesy in the modern age versus the ideals of history. Any incident in which she saw the absence of chivalry could have pushed her to write this piece, though she starts with a comparison of a recent cruise shipwreck to the infamous wreck of the Titanic. She points out that many men sacrificed their lives to ensure the survival of women and…show more content…
Bias probably does have an effect on her opinion, as reintroducing chivalry would be hypothetically beneficial to Emily as a female. In a debate with an impact on so many people, it is difficult to find someone without preexisting prejudice. This author uses a strong balance of the modes of appeal, introducing prevalent statistics and relatable feelings into her article. We are informed that 80 % of “Americans say that women are treated with less chivalry today than in the past”, a statistic obviously included to support Emily’s point and strike the reader. There is also logical appeal in her argument as she claims that a return to mutual civility would accomplish both feminists and traditionalists’ goals. Emily Smith shows credibility, as she is a writer for The Atlantic, a well-established paper. Emily uses pathos in her depiction of the Aurora theater shootings, detailing how three brave “men threw themselves over their girlfriends, saving the women’s lives.” Our author elicits emotion as she tells us the importance of chivalry and the positive effect it would have on our

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