Elsie De Wolfe's The House In Good Taste

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“I am going in now for interior decoration. By that I mean supplying objets d'art and giving advice regarding the decoration of their houses to wealthy persons who do not have the time, inclination, nor culture to do such work for themselves. It is nothing new. Women have done the same thing before” (Wolfe). In the early and mid-nineteenth century, little to no considerations were given to the design and aesthetic of the interiors of homes. Decoration was merely a way to display ones wealth and status in the world (Sparke 65). Elsie De Wolfe created a new way to imagine the interiors of homes and expressed her fresh and entirely innovative ideas for the world to covet. Elsie De Wolfe, whom is also known as Lady Mendl, was born December 20th,…show more content…
She expressed a fondness for elements to supplement each other, and she also believed that the entities of a space did not need to harmonize. Although many of her clients were wealthy, a great deal of Wolfe’s designs were rather economical. To go hand in hand with the design opportunities of New York, Wolfe wrote about the process of enhancing small spaces such as an apartment. Though she included a substantial among of antique furniture in her designs, she also believed in the “reproduction of furniture”. Wolfe did not limit herself to only the design of interiors, she incorporated a chapter about the design of exteriors as well.…show more content…
The new contemporary and well-designed home was seen by all of the “high society” New Yorkers and they were mesmerized by the fresh and new design that Elsie De Wolfe had created (Banham 375). This initiated her transition to becoming a professional interior designer, with which her original and groundbreaking artistic abilities could and would continue to flourish

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