Effective Leadership In The Film Remember The Titans

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Based on effective leadership characteristics – as it pertains to the movie “Remember the Titans” Effective leadership can be displayed in many ways. Coaching the game of football is by-far one of most ways effective ways to display it. The way the team is lead and the performance during the game; Are a direct reflection of the Head coach and the leadership of the rest of the coaching staff. In the movie “Remember the Titans” Coach Boone exemplifies this characteristic. He has a clear vision of what he wanted to change and accomplish. His ability to build the team up and give them confidence to win, despite the adversity the team was facing. Through it all he gain a great appreciation from everyone involved on the team. It was his vision to…show more content…
What stood out to me the most; was his sensitivity to the other race. The events that took place prior to Boone taking over. All played a major role in why Coach Yoast became more of a follower. Coach Yoast management style was based on his feeling and not the objectives of others. Meaning; he figured they would follow him because of the things he accomplished at the mercy of others. In other words; I am the white coach here and they will follow me, before they will you. After spending time with Coach Boone, and understanding the vision. Yoast didn’t want to admit to it at the time. But he knew that Coach Boone was on to something. At this point coach Yoast became an Active follower in the process. We have learned in life; leaders must earn the trust, and respect of their followers. As such, Yoast was able to help aid the team towards achievements of their goals. Yoast had to use his interpersonal skills to work through the difficulties relationship, he and Boone had encountered. This allowed them to keep the peace around the team. With this new found ability; developed him as a good listener, as well as giving him the inability to provide constructive feedback to the

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